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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Lore of VoZ

Welcome back students! After a break from blog posts we are glad to give you a taste of our story.  We have been meticulously writing and rewriting our own Visions for the game and have created a world that will be dark and exciting.  We hope this post will get you just as excited as we are for what is to come in the future!

“Zosimos was a mystic in the 16th century who recorded his visions and alchemical insights in a series of manuscripts.  They were not widely accepted because of their heretical nature, and most copies were destroyed. Lost to time, surviving copies were brought to light by Bertold Slate, Professor at Hertford College, Oxford, whose focus was on 16th century mysticism, gnosticism, and hermetic alchemy. He read them, and as he read, he began to see connections to the works of Nostradamus and Dee.  He became the foremost authority on this otherwise much neglected figure and worked to create awareness not only of the works of Zosimos but of the profound truths he found revealed therein.

Initially, only his graduate students helped him in his work, but he soon began to attract the attention of other like minded scholars and modern mystics.  Things changed when he shared the Visions with a friend who was a mathematician and Computer Science professor. Together they began to create programs that could express the complex formulae of the arcane texts in the language of computers.  They then gathered select programmers and theologians to create an interface for this mystical learning.  This game is that interface, allowing novices to be inducted into an eternal struggle for the very nature of existence.


When a player signs up for the game and logs in they become a student of the Visions.  Entering the virtual academy, their avatars can explore the materials available for study and create their own homunculus that will represent them in battles.  The player becomes empowered with the addition of cards which are earned through exploration, victory, or purchase.  The homunculus and cards are manifestations of power generated by the arcane mathematical coding of the Visions Program. These are tools for mastering the maps and adversaries in the great struggle.  These allow the initiated to travel the path towards triumph, desolation, and even immortality.”

There will be more surprises to come and more information on our characters in later blog posts.  We will make sure not to throw out any spoilers so don’t worry about that!


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