First off, myself and all of Forever Interactive would like to apologize for some recent difficulties when trying to log into Visions of Zosimos. The current client is currently getting an engine upgrade and causing some unexpected issues. It is in the process of being fixed. In the meantime, you may use a generic player client available for download here:
Inside are two files. First, run LnchInst.exe to install the Launcher. Then double-click the heal file to begin the client installation. After you login you will need to choose a world (Only be one choice currently available). Enter the world called "Forever Interactive Beta". The client will likely need to stream the art assets which can take a bit.
We will keep you posted when there is a new official player client available through the Forever interactive website and social media.
Second, I would like to thank those who stopped by our booth at the Midwest Gaming Classic and played the most recent build of Visions of Zosimos. I have created a quick start guide for new players designed to help with the basic information on playing Visions of Zosimos. Current and past players can also benefit from the guide as well.
VoZ In Engine Quick Start Guide
Basic Info:
Each player takes their turn and then followed by the computer. The game will end when the Win/Loss scenario is met.
Basic Card info:
Some cards will specify special abilities on the card, but here is a list of the most common card abilities:
HP: Health points
The amount of damage a card can take before dying.
A: Attack Dice
The amount of dice that a card can use while attacking.
D: Defense Dice
The amount of dice that a card can use while defending.
M: Movement
The number of hexes a unit can move during their Move Phase.
R: Range
How far away a unit can attack. If unwritten the range is 1.
Pool Information:
Body: Used to cast Physical Cards. Primarily Minion cards
Mind: Used to cast Magical Cards. Primarily Spell cards.
Soul: Used to cast Astral Cards. Consists of Ambush and Enchants.
Using Elemental Dice:
Elemental dice can be used to play cards, add movement per dice, and add additional attacks or defense. These are given to players when a terrain resource card is used. The dice refresh on your upkeep phase.
Win/Loss Scenario:
To win the game, you must defeat the enemy homunculus as well as the bosses.
You lose if your homunculus dies.
You do not lose if you run out of cards in your deck.
Order of Play:
Player 1 Turn:
1) Upkeep-
This does not happen on your first turn of the game, but in all subsequent turns any inactive dice now become active.
2) Draw Phase-
On their first turn, players can draw their full hand of six cards. On any other turn, players can draw up to 6 cards by clicking on their deck. Cards may be discarded to do so by right clicking on the card and pressing discard. Only 6 cards may be in the player’s hand at any time. Click on the Transfer phase button to end your turn.
3) Transfer Phase-
The player can transfer up to three dice from any Essence Pool (Body, Mind, Soul) from Attack to Defense or Defense to Attack within the same pool. You can do this by clicking on the little arrows above your dice pools. These dice remain active. Click on the Move phase button to end your turn.
4) Move Phase-
The homunculus can move up to four hexes and minions can move(M) the amount written on the card. You can do this by right clicking on the card you want to move and the hex you want to move your card. You may use one movement in order to switch the facing of your Homunculus or your minion. You do this by right clicking on your Homunculus or your minion once and then clicking on the adjacent tile you want to face. Click on the Play Phase to go to your next turn.
5) Play Phase-
During the play phase, players can play any card as long as they have enough active dice the card requires. Player’s may play one Terrain Tile per turn. For each terrain Tile that a player has they have an equal amount of Elemental Dice. Once a card is played, move the dice used to the inactive pool on the opposite side. You do this by right clicking on the card in your hand and then right clicking on the tile you want to activate or place the card on. Click Battle to initiate battle.
Spell cards have unlimited range.
Ambush cards can be placed 3 hex tiles from your homunculus.
Minions must be directly adjacent to the homunculus.
Terrain Tiles have unlimited range.
6a) Attack-
Minions and the homunculus can attack as long as they are within range(R). Minions can attack using their Attack(A) dice and their targets may defend using Defense dice(D). All rolls of 4 or greater are successful. A higher number of successful attacks than defenses must be rolled in order to deal damage. To initiate an attack, right click on your minion or Homunculus and then you can choose the amount of dice to attack with by clicking the arrows as well as the pool type when attacking with the Homunculus. Clicking on the sword icon will initiate the attack.
Homunculi must defend against enemy minion attacks using their body pools. After attacking or defending that minion may not use those dice again until their next turn.
The homunculus can attack with any pool. The opposing homunculus must defend against that dice pool with the same pool. Minions can use their dice to defend from attacks regardless of the pool used to attack with. Any dice used to attack become inactive defense dice within that pool. Used defence dice go to the inactive attack pool. This dice shift only affects the homunculus.
You are allowed two additional attack dice if you manage to position your Homunculus or minion behind the target. The targeted monster will not be allowed to counterattack you either if it is not facing towards you. You then press the Battle phase button to end your turn.
6b) Defense-
While Defending from enemy attacks, you may defend with defense dice to negate damage or Counter attack which also uses defense dice but has a chance to deal damage and still take damage. Damage is dealt simultaneously.
If the enemy is attacking from behind, you may not counter attack.
You may also defend against spell cards. The Homunculus must use the defense dice that corresponds with the Spell card while the minion will just use its defense dice. You can defend against spell cards and attacks by clicking on the shield icon. You can counter attack by using the sword icon.
Player 2 Turn:
Player 2 now takes their turn, following all of the steps outlined above.
AI Turn:
After each player has had one turn any NPC units, including bosses and wandering monsters take their turn.
After defeating a wandering monster, you may place one dice into one of your pools (Body, Mind or Soul).
After defeating a Boss or a wandering monster, you may put a selected amount of dice into one of your pools (Body, Mind or Soul), and also shuffle your discard pile into your deck.
Homunculus Lab
By clicking on the “Lab” button, you can enter the Homunculus lab and edit your Homunculus using essences and creation points. The Store will be coming soon!
Elemental Essence #1
This is the physical form of your Homunculus. It also determines the size of your Body Pool, allowing you to summon more Minions.
Ego Essence #2
The deciding factor in your Homunculus’ posture and motions. It also determines the size of your Soul Pool, letting you place more Ambushes and Enchantment cards.
Alchemist Essence #3
The Alchemist determines the size of your Body Mind, giving you the ability to cast more Spells.
Creation Points #4
The number of points remaining to create your Homunculus. Each Essence Tier costs a different amount of creation points.
Create Homunculus #5
Click here to make a new Homunculus. If it says “Go to Store,” you have used up all of your starting allotment and will need to either delete one or buy more at the store before you can create a new Homunculus.
Select Homunculus #6
Click here to view your Homunculus.
Homunculus Properties #7
A description of your current Essence.
Homunculus Name # 8
The name of your Homunculus.
Deck Builder
You can enter your deck editor by clicking on the “Deck” button.
By clicking on the Create New Deck button, you can start the creation of your new deck. The left page will show the cards you can put into your deck and the right page indicates the cards in your deck already. Using the filters and typing in the title of the card make deck creation easy. You can only have four of one card except for terrain cards and exceptional cards like the Paladin and Eldjotnar.
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