As you can imagine, Lightning has a number of benefits going for it. The most obvious are that it strikes fast and hard, but there is more. Its unpredictability allows it to catch its opponents off guard, and take advantage of each opening it creates. Like all elements, there are a number of abilities that Lightning has at its disposal. Other elements may use them here and there, but Lightning is the undisputed master of these.
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Among the most common abilities is Backlash. While Lightning is not known for its stalwart defenses, it can make sure that those who dare to strike back pay for it. Some minions innately store electrical power, ready to lash out at any who create a link to ground. Others simply have reflexes so incredible that no strike goes unanswered. For those that lack either, there are spells that grant the power or speed necessary.
Lightning’s ability to appear where least expected is made manifest in many cards’ ability to Teleport. Though this transportation requires some form of power (often in the form of Elemental Power Dice or a Terrain where Lightning is strong), the advantage it can bring is undeniable.
Instant travel is not the only movement advantage Lightning can confer upon its adherents, however. Some minions are able to move with great Haste, seeming to fly across the battlefield to bring the fight to their foes. This often has fewer restrictions than Teleport, so it adds considerable maneuverability to those units that benefit.
Rarer still are those units which Bolt from skirmish to skirmish, making a strike only to be gone to the next fight. With this ability, units may move again immediately after successfully attacking, taking themselves out of danger or moving to a better position from which to strike.
The most powerful weapon Lightning has in its arsenal is the ability to Stun an enemy minion or homunculus. If hit by this surge of power, a target is unable to move or attack for one round, rendering them docile and potentially vulnerable. It should be noted, however, that it cannot prevent a player from casting other cards.
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Creatures and people aligned with Lightning come from all corners of the world, from those that embody the physical qualities of the element to those that embody the spiritual aspects of the element and its realm. Among humans, there are many who strive to bring swift vengeance to their enemies; those with the necessary discipline and strength are often Lightning aligned.
Do you wish to strike with the fury of a thunderstorm? To see your enemy scattered before your might, to give them no chance to fight back? Do you wish to see them stunned by the fury of your assault? If so, seek Lightning; it will serve you well.
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